
Disputes are not limited to the business world.  They occur in the not-for-profit world also.  And, contrary to what is generally assumed, they occur in churches and other religious organizations.


Most disputes between businesses can be reduced to money.  However, in most cases, the ultimate goal of a not-for-profit organization is something other than money. People work for non-profits because they are passionate about a cause.  The potential for disputes, when passion is involved, is sometimes greater than in business.


Fortunately, the same principles used to resolve business disputes apply to disputes in the not-for-profit world.  Dispute resolution in and between these kind of organizations is often referred to as “peace-making”.


Mr. Dean, principal of Integrative Business Solutions, LLC, has participated in multiple churches and denominations over the course of his life.  He has also chaired the boards of non-profit youth organizations.  When combined with his dispute avoidance and resolution skills and leadership experience (see descriptions of other services on this website), Mr. Dean is in a unique position to effectively lead non-profits, churches, and other religious organizations through an effective peace-making process.  His ability to empathize with all parties without a preconceived agenda allows him to focus on helping parties with diverse interests resolve their differences without the need for a third party decision-maker.


Ultimately, high-trust relationships must be rebuilt and strengthened through the peace-making process, they are, quite simply, too essential to the mission, whatever it may be.