Leadership Development

“Leadership is problem-solving.”
Colin Powell


Leading includes encouraging people to think and act outside their normal frame of reference, their “box”.  Doing so requires the ability to see inside someone else’s box by listening effectively enough to discern the “reasons behind the reasons” for their actions.


The personal experience of Mr. Dean, principal of Integrative Business Solutions, LLC, teaching, mentoring, and counseling add to his experience leading organizations both formally and informally.


Mr. Dean’s style in all these areas is highly interactive.  This variety of experience allows him to empathize with all types of people with varying viewpoints.  And that empathy allows him to gather a wide variety of information from diverse groups of people – information that can be valuable to a leadership team trying to evaluate where it is and where it wants to go.


Servant leadership – placing the needs, wants, and desires of those you lead above your own needs, wants, and desires – caring about others more than yourself.


The servant leader listens first, to understand the feelings and differing perspectives of those he leads.  The servant leader truly cares about people.  The servant leader persuades with reason and transparency, always remaining open to better ideas.  The servant leader lives with integrity, incorporating the truth of present reality into a vision for the future.  A servant leader builds trust that leads to healthy organizations.


Mr. Dean can help you evaluate the leadership culture that currently exists within your organization.  Through a combination of mentoring, teaching, and counseling, he can then provide you with the help you need to increase both your and your employees’ capacity for more effective leadership.