business planning

Developing a strong business plan is essentially solving a complex problem.  People who can generate the kind of ideas that lead to new businesses are often not the best people to develop the kind of organized plan required to establish and grow a business.


Investors and banks want to see something concrete that gives them confidence the money they loan or invest will be timely repaid.  History and creativity are not enough.  They want to see a plan.


Mr. Dean, principal of Integrative Business Solutions, LLC, has the ability to remain focused on global objectives while diving deep into details – reviewing and understanding company history, competing priorities, financial reports, policies, processes, and listening to employees often going in different directions.  Mr. Dean is able to digest, distill, organize, summarize, and simplify the data “smog”, identify corporate values, and clarify principals’ goals.  With these in mind, he is able to draft an outline business plan for their review.


Once a draft outline is in place, further detail can be explored and added as circumstances allow.  Once a plan is finalized and implemented, it can be periodically evaluated and modified as required to match real-world experience.