business counseling

The key to a healthy marriage, or any high-trust personal relationship, is communication.  The same is true in business.  And sometimes, in business, as in relationships, you can get stuck, bogged down, your collective vision for the future becomes unclear.


As working in teams and the immediate application of real time learning via the internet become more central to everything you do, unseen-before strain is being placed on human-to-human interaction of all kinds.  Yet, the resources are not being allocated as required to increase the relationship capacity of your people and, hence, your business, in order to avoid, recognize and address personal and organizational conflicts.


The health of our personal relationships trumps everything else in life.  Organizational health trumps everything else in business (Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage).  Good health thrives in high trust relationships between individuals and teams headed in the same direction.


Sometimes a crisis can bring on the need for clearer, more transparent communication.  Sometimes it’s a series of little things that add up over time and require a periodic clearing of the air.  Sometimes, like an annual physical, it’s stopping to compare where you are to where you want to be, identifying areas of concern before they become problems.


Organizational counseling can help identify where communication has broken down, where trust has been lost or damaged.  Once identified, a plan can be developed to repair the damage, strengthen communication, and rebuild trust that was lost.  Sometimes a kind of internal mediation can be used to re-establish communication and increase unity.


Organizational issues can be enterprise wide or they may only involve specific teams or individuals.  They might even be limited to a single individual – someone who has talent, ambition, desire to add value, but isn’t hitting on all cylinders – they have more to offer, but don’t know how.


As principal of Integrative Business Solutions, LLC, Mr. Dean’s extensive experience helping individuals and teams avoid and resolve disputes and build trust can help you identify and resolve issues that may be affecting your organization’s health.  As a disinterested, yet interested, third party, he has no vested interest but to help make you, your team, and your organization better.  This isn’t ongoing psychoanalysis, but rather targeted counseling to avoid and resolve real-world problems in real time.